Earl and I traveled with our friends Ken and Freyja to Santa Barbara to run the
SBI Marathon and Half Marathon!
No, we aren't crazy.... Just goal oriented!
Isn't he handsome?! I was playing around with the camera on the drive there.
SBI Marathon and Half Marathon!
No, we aren't crazy.... Just goal oriented!
That's a picture of my shoes. I know. So interesting.
The black chip is my Nike+ chip and the pink is the race chip.
Let me just say how happy I am to have a working ipod for the race.
Earl wasn't so lucky. His ipod kept resetting itself and he had nothing to listen to on his nice, long, long, long run.
That's me at 4:30 in the morning getting ready for the race. Crazy!!! We had to be there at 5 am and then walk over a mile to the starting point. Earl had to be at his bus at 4 am to be bussed to his starting point. The race didn't start until almost 7 am!!!
BTW... don't wear your favorite Yoga capri pants to run 13.1 miles. They aren't spandex. You might sweat and look like you peed. I'm just saying.... I might have some experience with this one.
And BTW.... don't put your Gu in your bra and run 13.1 miles either. Just not a good idea.
I learned a lot from this experience....

That's Freyja and I after we crossed the finish line.
Laura - 2 hr. 19 min. 58 sec.
Freyja - 2 hr. 48 min.
Laura - 2 hr. 19 min. 58 sec.
Freyja - 2 hr. 48 min.

Freyja got this great picture of Earl right before he crossed the finish line!
Earl - 4 hr. 35 min.
And he finished!!!!!!! I'm so proud of him!!!
And then Ken finished. We were getting a little worried about him, but he made it!
Ken - 5 hr. 50 min. (I think... correct me if I'm wrong!)
We finally got some food, showered and napped a little and the guys let us take them out for a little sight seeing. We were all a bit stiff, but we couldn't miss the chance to take in a few of the sights. Santa Barbara is so beautiful!!!
It was so much fun to spend the weekend together and accomplish this goal.
Don't we look happy?!
Yes, it's the Advil.
Art on the beach.... the guys working on it said they don't do it for the money. It's their profession. Niiiiccceee!