Jonathan wanted to play baseball this spring, so I took the plunge and signed him up a few months ago. Of course, as I was finishing the paperwork, he got his first bloody nose playing catch with a friend. Needless to say, that's just the beginning... but Earl and I both warned him that "everyone gets hurt in baseball at some point". It's a fact! I'm sure if you are reading this and used to play yourself, you are nodding your head right now :)
We've had a few "bruisers" already, but overall, our young man is doing exceptionally well for his first season EVER! He's a little old to have never played, and thankfully there is one other boy on his team that is also new to the sport. He learns something new every game, every practice, and it's great. It's a big commitment for him and our family (2 nights a week practice, one week night game, one Saturday game... EVERY WEEK! 18 games total!), but it's been so fun to watch (and sooooo hard at the same time!).
2 stories:

1) Jonathan was walked, got to first, STOLE second (way to go!!!), base hit... ran to third. Looked at his coach and said, "This is the first time I have ever been on third base. (Pause)... this is the first time I have EVER been on base!" So cute! So innocent!
2) Jonathan goes up to bat... probably the 3rd time he had ever been up to bat. Goes and stands in the "box"... wrong box... home plate was behind him! Oops! The Ump helped him move to the correct position. It was so funny (and hard to watch... I was yelling at him!)